Rental Inquiry Name * First Name Last Name Email * Desired Rental Date (To be confirmed by the Windsor CC.) * Note: Your rental date and time is not guaranteed until a Windsor CC representative provides a signed Rental Agreement. MM DD YYYY Rental Start Time * Hour Minute Second AM PM Rental End Time * Hour Minute Second AM PM Event / Occasion * Desired Room(s) Main Floor West (Viewing Area) - $35 per hour (3 hour minimum) Main Floor Activity Room - $30 per hour (3 hour minimum) Main Floor E Boardroom - $20 per hour Lower Level - Basement - $45 per hour (3 hour minimum) Kitchen - $20 per hour with another rental Message Thank you for your interest in the Windsor Community Centre!A representative will be in-touch within two (2) business days. Windsor Community Centre99 Springside Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 5A7E: